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Analytical Skills

  • SQL: relational databases, querying databases, cleaning data, analyze data.

  • Excel: formulas, pivot tables, charts, and Macros automation.

  • Visualizations: Tableau, PowerPoint, Prezi.

  • Math: ability to apply advanced math skills to analyze data.

  • Problem-solving: ability to approach problems from their root cause in order to find lasting solutions.

  • Intellectual curiosity: continuous learning in topics like Data Analysis, business efficiency, finance, investments, statistics, and math.

Courses and Certifications

Business Intelligence Data Analyst | Codecademy

Currently enrolled in this course which is focused in Python and SQL.

Google Data Analytics Certificate  | Coursera

This course is focused in developing Excel, SQL, R, and Tableau skills. This course provides as well a solid foundation in Data Analysis.


English as a second language | IELTS

This certification awarded me with a band 7.5 that is equivalent to a C1 level according to CEFR.

Work Experience


Transport Schedule Analyst

  • Defined the problem with the stakeholders.

  • Gathered and processed data for future analysis.

  • Analyzed data and built visualizations to help stakeholders understand the current situation of the company.

  • Shared insights and transformed results based in the stakeholder's feedback.

  • Designed three schedules that improved the transport service efficiency by 20%.

Oct 2021 -  Nov 2022

Community Coordinator

  • Consolidated a work plan and a work team to collaborate with the communities. 

  • Continuously steered 120 community leaders towards achieving the community goals.

  • Aided in the resolution of different problems in the community, addressing mainly issues related to safety and legal problems.

Jan 2018 -  Sep 2021

Construction Manager

  • Successfully concluded more than 80% of the projects, consistently meeting project deadlines and ensuring the quality of the building by following closely the construction process. 

  • Improved the construction process by assuring an effective use of resources which resulted in safer and faster constructions. 

  • Directed and supervised different work teams simultaneously, overseeing their daily tasks and ensuring that they accomplished the project goals.

  • Solved constructive and organizational challenges that were obstructing the proper finalization of the project.


2013 - 2017

Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas | Civil Engineering

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